No longer recruiting, stay tuned for findings from this study!
Are you interested in sexuality research?
Help us test a new alternative to eye tracking by participating in this online study investigating attentional mechanisms in sexual response. No in-person lab attendance required!
To be eligible, you must be:
☆ 18 years of age
☆ Fluent in English
☆ You must have access to the internet
☆ You must have access to a Mac or PC laptop or desktop computer that runs Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge
What will you be asked to do?
Duration: 45-60 Minutes*
You will complete questionnaires about your background, sexuality, and sexual interests in an online questionnaire. You will then be asked to view and rate images of sexual (nude) and nonsexual (fully clothed) male and female models.
Compensation: You will receive 1 course credit (through the UBC HSP system) after successful completion of the study
*We require your undivided attention for the entire duration of the study.
To participate or find out more please login to your HSP student account and find the ‘Attentional Mechanisms Underlying Gendered Sexual Response’ on the list of studies.