It was a multidisciplinary conference, providing an opportunity for trainees in women’s+ health research to showcase their work.
We had 3 lab members representing the SWell lab!
⏰ Erin found that parents’ reports of greater difficulty caring for and soothing their child, as well as poorer infant sleep quality, were each linked with poorer sexual and relationship outcomes for both members of the couple.
⏰ Vasileia’s research explored how technology-facilitated sexual violence could be conceptualized as gendered violence, and how attitudes that minimize, excuse, or blame women for their experiences of image-based sexual abuse can make survivors less likely to disclose their abuse and seek help.
⏰ Maya found that feeling more self-conscious about your body during sex, when pregnant or early in the postpartum, was linked with poorer sexual well-being—less frequent sex, lower sexual satisfaction, and higher sexual distress.