Orli Hellerstein
Title: Directed Studies Student Pronouns: She/They About: Orli Hellerstein is a 3rd year undergraduate in the honors psychology program at UBC. As a directed studies student in the SWELL lab, she works on the ADHD and sex study, and is particularly interested in the impact of ADHD medication on sexual behavior. Outside of the SWELL […]
We are thrilled to share that a SWell lab member won Best Student Poster at this year’s #iasr2023 in Montreal, Quebec!
🏆 MA student Simone Goldberg won Best Student Poster for her poster, “Cross-sectional, longitudinal, and experimental associations between genital self-image and own and perceived partner sexual satisfaction,” presenting on data exploring links between genital self-image and individuals’ sexual satisfaction and their perceptions of their partners’ sexual satisfaction. 🌟 Congratulations Simone, we are so proud!